
Category Apples

Apples offer a delicious range of flavors, textures, and colors. From the crisp sweetness of a Honeycrisp to the tart bite of a Granny Smith, apples have delighted palates for millennia. They stand tall in history, folklore, and daily life, symbolizing knowledge, health, and seasonal celebration. This section dives into the orchard world of apples, exploring the vast variety of cultivars, cultivation techniques, and the rich legacy of this iconic fruit.

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Growing your own apple tree

How to grow apples

Wondering how to grow apples? While it can take a few years, caring for an apple tree is quite approachable (even for beginner gardeners). Let’s look at how you can...

Expand your knowledge

Rome apples

Rome apple

The Rome apple is an American heritage variety known for its bright red peel and…

Jonathan apple

The Jonathan apple is an American heirloom variety with an attractive bicolor peel and a…

Macoun apple

Macoun apple

The Macoun apple is an American heritage variety known for its beautiful peel and creamy…

SweeTango apple

SweeTango apples are modern specialty club apples developed to deliver on flavor and texture. These…

Jazz apple

The Jazz apple is a well-known club apple variety with a nicely striped red and…

Empire apples

Empire apples

The Empire apple is a shiny red American apple cultivar known for its attractive appearance…

Jonagold apples growing on the tree

Jonagold apple

Jonagold apple is an American heritage apple cultivar known for its large size, delicate skin,…

Cortland apples

Cortland apple

Cortland apple is an American heirloom apple cultivar known for its bright red and yellow…

Cameo apple

Cameo apple

The Cameo apple is an American bicolor cultivar with a thin yellow peel and red…

Opal apple

The Opal apple is a modern European apple cultivar with a yellow-gold peel, sweet flavor,…

Types of apples

There are thousands of different types of apples growing today. And among these countless varieties,…


25+ best tasting apples

Some of the best-tasting apple varieties are Honeycrisp, Pink Lady, Fuji, Ambrosia, and Cox’s Orange…