
Category Lettuce

Lettuce, the quintessential salad star, brings a refreshing crunch to our tables and a lush green to our gardens. With a plethora of varieties, from the buttery textures of Butterhead to the crisp Romaine and the frilly leaves of Tango, there’s a lettuce type to suit every palate.

This section dives into the diverse world of lettuce, offering insights into growing practices, harvesting tips, and storage solutions. Beyond the garden bed, explore the culinary versatility of lettuce, its nutritional profile, and delightful recipes that make it shine. Whether you’re nurturing tender seedlings or crafting a gourmet salad, lettuce promises a journey of taste and garden delight.

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How to grow lettuce

How to grow lettuce

Lettuce can be grown in an outdoor garden, in pots on the patio, or even indoors in a hydroponic system. Lettuce can be planted by sowing seeds or transplanting baby...

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Red salad bowl lettuce

Red Salad Bowl lettuce

Red Salad Bowl lettuce is a beautiful bronzed burgundy version of the classic green Salad…

Salad bowl green lettuce

Salad Bowl lettuce

Do you want to grow some healthy greens in your garden this year? Save a…

Little gem lettuce in the garden

Little Gem lettuce

Looking for a delicious variety of romaine for your garden? Try Little Gem lettuce! Little…

Buttercrunch lettuce head

Buttercrunch lettuce

If you’re here because you’re interested in planting Buttercrunch lettuce, you’ve made an excellent choice!…

Growing red sails lettuce in the garden

Red Sails lettuce

If you’re looking for a new leafy green to add to your garden, consider Red…

How to grow deer tongue lettuce

Deer Tongue lettuce

Looking for a unique heirloom lettuce variety to grow? Consider Deer Tongue lettuce! Deer Tongue…

Aerogarden lettuce pod

AeroGarden lettuce

AeroGarden lettuce is a popular indoor garden hydroponic salad garden crop. Fresh homegrown lettuce can…