
Home for the Harvest

For people who just want to grow things

Category: Cherries

  • How to fertilize a cherry tree

    How to fertilize a cherry tree

    Cherry trees are a long-term garden investment, requiring patience and consistent care. One part of this care routine may involve fertilizing, depending on the soil you have planted in. Cherry trees planted in high-quality soil with plenty of nutrients typically don’t need additional fertilizers. However, if your tree needs a boost or a soil test…

  • Where to plant a cherry tree

    Where to plant a cherry tree

    Time to decide where to plant a cherry tree? Fortunately there are only a few key factors to keep in mind. Cherry trees can be grown most easily in Zones 5-9. Plant your cherry tree in a sunny spot where it will receive a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. The planting location…

  • How to grow cherries

    How to grow cherries

    To start growing cherries, choose which varieties to grow (popular choices include Bing, Rainier, Lapins, and Montmorency). Dig a wide hole in a sunny spot, and place the tree so the graft union is above soil level. Water thoroughly and then apply an organic mulch on top of the soil. Prune in late winter to…

  • 40+ types of cherry trees

    40+ types of cherry trees

    There are quite a few different cultivars of cherry, and it can be difficult to know which one might be the best choice. Some are better in dry climates, others are more resistant to common diseases in humid areas, and some are more cold-hardy than others. Here are some of the best varieties to choose…

  • When to plant a cherry tree

    When to plant a cherry tree

    The best time to plant a cherry tree is in the spring or fall. Avoid planting trees in the hottest days of summer or in the winter if the ground is frozen. Springtime is perfect for fruit tree planting as many varieties are available in nurseries, but outdoor temperatures are not yet hot enough to…

  • How big does a cherry tree get?

    How big does a cherry tree get?

    Most sweet cherry trees grow to be about 15-20 feet tall and about 15 feet wide. That said, certain varieties can reach over 30 feet (especially if unpruned). Dwarf trees that reach more like 10 feet are also becoming more widely available for home gardeners with smaller spaces. Sour cherry trees tend to grow considerably…

  • How fast does a cherry tree grow?

    How fast does a cherry tree grow?

    Cherry trees grow about 1 foot each year in good conditions until they reach mature height. Cherry trees take about 7-8 years after planting to reach maturity (for a total age of 8-10 years old). Young trees purchased at the garden center typically take 3-4 years to start producing fruit. These trees were typically grafted…