
Pinecone garland

Looking for a festive and traditional way to decorate your home for the holidays? Look no further than this easy DIY pine cone garland! All you need are some pine cones, string, and a few other materials to create a beautiful nature-inspired decoration.

You can hang it on your Christmas tree or on a plain wall for an extra festive touch. It’s a nice alternative to store-bought decorations and will add a unique charm to your holiday decorating.

Pinecone garland craft

For this DIY pine cone garland, you can use whatever kind of cones you have access to. I chose hemlock cones because we had lots and they are mini and adorable (plus not too messy to work with). Check the woods if you don’t have conifer trees in your backyard. You don’t need too many pine cones. Part of the charm of this garland is its simplicity.

If you don’t have access to your own conifer cones, it’s possible to buy them online or at the local craft store.

Simple christmas pinecone garland | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com

The difference between this garland and some other garland tutorials is that this diy pinecone garland does not use hot glue. Hot glue can be a bit messy to work with. Decorations made with hot glue also don’t last as long as decorations made with wire. The supplies/glue can tend to get brittle and break, whereas wire stays flexible year after year.

Supplies for making a pinecone garland | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com

Supplies: Making a pinecone garland

  • Pine cones or other conifer cones (I used hemlock cones, which are pretty darn cute)
  • Thin floral wire (I used 16 gauge silver wire)
  • Multitool, or Wire Cutters and Needlenose Pliers
  • Thin jute twine
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
Supplies for making a pinecone garland | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com

Prep steps to make a pinecone garland

  1. Measure out a length of twine to fit your desired space. Be sure to leave 6″ extra on either end of the measured length to tie a loop later.
  2. Place a few pinecones along the length of the twine to decide how close your pinecones should be. I placed my little hemlock cones about 10 cm apart.
  3. Once you know how far apart your cones should be, calculate how many cones you’ll need (length of twine divided by the distance apart).
  4. Cut a length of floral wire for each pinecone to be added to the garland. I cut a piece of wire about 20 cm long for each cone.

Turning each pinecone into a hanging ornament for your tree, porch, or front door!

Attach each wire to each pinecone as follows:

  1. Twist the wire in the middle to create a loop in the centre of the wire. Make a few additional twists to secure the loop.
  2. Place each end of the wire between two layers at the top end of the pinecone.
  3. Twist the wire around the cone, hiding the wire in between the pinecone’s layers.
  4. Use the pliers to push the ends of the floral wire into the cone so the sharp ends don’t stick out.
  5. Once the wire is properly attached to the cone, gently bend the loop upwards so that the pine cone will hang vertically/straight.
How to make a pinecone garland | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com
Create a loop in center of the wire
Attaching wire to pinecones | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com
Place wire in between upper layers of pinecone
Attaching wire to pinecones | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com
Wrap the wire around the inner area between the upper pinecone layers
Attaching wire to pinecones | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com
Use pliers to push sharp ends of floral wire into the cone so they don’t stick out.

Repeat the steps above for all the cones you’ll need for your garland.

Assembling the pinecone garland the easy way!

  1. Have your necessary materials from your local craft store on hand.
  2. Tie a loop in the far end of the twine.
  3. String the first pinecone onto the twine by placing the twine through the wire loop. Place the pinecone near the end of the twine, by the loop you’ve tied at the far end of the string.
  4. Tie the first pinecone onto the twine by looping the twine over itself and tying a knot in the twine.
  5. Place the remaining cones on the string one by one, using the ruler to measure the distance between the cones, and tie each cone on as you go.
  6. Once all cones are tied on, tie a loop in the other end of the garland to finish it off.
  7. Hang your garland on the tree, on the mantle, on a wall, or wherever you like!
Wow! This is actually so easy to make :) here's how to make a pinecone garland for christmas. Pine cone garlands are so cute, and here's the best way to make one. How to make a pinecone garland (tutorial) #pineconegarland #pinecones #diygarland #christmaspinecones
How to make a pinecone garland | home for the harvest | www. Homefortheharvest. Com

Love these garlands? These felt pom pom garlands are another cute DIY project that you may enjoy!

Mary Jane Duford
Mary Jane Duford

Mary Jane Duford is a quintessential Canadian gardener. An engineer by trade, she tends to an ever-expanding collection of plants. In her world, laughter blooms as freely as her flowers, and every plant is raised with a dash of Canadian grit.

Mary Jane is a certified Master Gardener and also holds a Permaculture Design Certificate. She's also a proud mom of three, teaching her little sprouts the crucial difference between a garden friend and foe.

When she's not playing in the dirt, Mary Jane revels in her love for Taylor Swift, Gilmore Girls, ice hockey, and the surprisingly soothing sounds of bluegrass covers of classic hip-hop songs. She invites you to join her garden party, a place where you can share in the joy of growing and where every day is a new opportunity to find the perfect spot for yet another plant.

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