
Category Fruit plants

All about fruit plants, including fruit trees, berry bushes, and low-growing fruits like strawberries.

Jazz apple

The Jazz apple is a well-known club apple variety with a nicely striped red and…

Empire apples

Empire apples

The Empire apple is a shiny red American apple cultivar known for its attractive appearance…

Jonagold apples growing on the tree

Jonagold apple

Jonagold apple is an American heritage apple cultivar known for its large size, delicate skin,…

Cortland apples

Cortland apple

Cortland apple is an American heirloom apple cultivar known for its bright red and yellow…

Cameo apple

Cameo apple

The Cameo apple is an American bicolor cultivar with a thin yellow peel and red…

Opal apple

The Opal apple is a modern European apple cultivar with a yellow-gold peel, sweet flavor,…

Bare root strawberries

Bare root strawberries

Bare-root strawberries are strawberry plants sold with the soil washed away from the roots. With…

Jewel strawberry

Jewel strawberry

When you think of the classic deep red, big, juicy strawberry, you could be imagining…

Chandler strawberries

Chandler strawberry

There are over 600 different types of strawberries worldwide, but the Chandler strawberry may very…

Ozark beauty strawberries

Ozark Beauty strawberry

The Ozark Beauty strawberry is an ever-bearing strawberry cultivar from Arkansas that is well-known for…

Seascape strawberries

Seascape strawberry

If you want to learn more about Seascape Strawberries, then you have come to the…

Fresca strawberry seeds

Strawberry seeds

Strawberry seeds grow inside small hard yellow shells that dot the outer surface of strawberries.…